Clinical Purification is a 21-Day Doctor-Led Internal Purification Program. This essentially means it is a process to cleanse your cells from the inside-out, detoxifying your body by supporting liver function, promoting Phase 1 and Phase 2 Detoxification, and helping the body regenerate healthy new cells. All this is guided by a trained doctor who will support you through the entire process.
Why Do I Need Purification?
Clinical Purification (detoxification) helps your body remove the natural waste by-products that accumulate in your body and fat cells. This happens as a result of living in a toxic world. Our water and air are more polluted than ever, our diets tend to consist of processed foods and we come into contact with many more chemicals than you can imagine. Combine that with high stress and you have a body that can't keep up. Although your body is designed to expel these toxins on its own, an overburdened body can only "pack it away" in the fat tissue. Clinical Purification is a way to give your body extra support so you can lose unwanted weight, rid your body of toxins that may be interfering with your health and vitality.
The symptoms of toxicity come on so gradually that you may not even know you have a problem.
If you have any of the following symptoms you may be a candidate for a Clinical Purification Program:
Stuffy Head
Difficulty Sleeping
Indigestion or other Digestive Issues
Food Cravings
Foggy Memory
Pain and Stiffness
Low Libido
Constipation or Diarrhea
What Are The Benefits of Clinical Purification?
Clinical Purification can have incredible effects! Not only does your biochemistry become more balanced, eliminating the toxins allows your nervous system to function better. By participating in a Clinical Purification you may notice the following results:
- Increased Energy
- Better Sleep
- Improved Weight
- Decrease or Eliminated Anxiety
- Enhanced Digestion
- Clearer Skin
- Shinier Hair
- Disappearance or Lessening of Past Conditions
- Happier & Healthier!
How Is Purification Different Than Any Other Diet or Cleanse?
The Standard Process Clinical Purification is not a diet. it is a program that helps you live a healthier life. As you purify and nourish your body you naturally begin to crave the foods that support you and have less tendency toward foods that rob your body of nutrient stores.
The program is not an "eat nothing diet" or even a "lemonade cleanse". This program focuses on eating plenty! The goal is to understand which foods help your body move toxins out and heal from the inside out and eat those foods in appropriate quantities. The program emphasizes whole-food supplements, fruits and vegetables, and aims at limiting refined foods and saturated fats.
The 21-Day Clinical Purification focuses on eating whole, organic fruits and vegetables, select proteins, taking whole-food supplements to push the toxins out of the cells, and drinking 3 SP Complete shakes each day.
Foods that are eliminated are dairy products, refined carbohydrates, caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and processed foods. After a few days of removing these foods from your diet you will notice a significant change in your energy level.
While participating in the Clinical Purification program you will be taking the following Standard Process Whole-Food Supplements:
SP Cleanse:
Supports the body's internal waste-removal systems, encourages healthy liver detoxification and kidney function.
SP Complete:
A whole-food meal enhancement shake to add to water or fruit/vegetable juice.
promotes healthy gastrointestinal elimination, supports healthy digestive function, and helps cleanse and lubricate the intestinal tract.
*The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This program and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Why Is Now A Great Time?
We often don't realize how many toxins we come into contact with during our daily lives. The summer months bring bring parties, pesticides and travel. Many are slapping on sunscreen and mosquito spray that absorbs directly into your bloodstream. As we come upon the fall season, it is the best time to prepare your body for flu season! Completing the Clinical Purification will take a huge burden off your body so when flu season arrives your body can respond appropriately and fight the infectious bugs with vengeance.
**This class is also offered as a tele-class for long-distance support and care!!
Begins Friday, July 29th, 2011
707-585-2302 x16
Friday, JULY 29th:
Attend Kick-Off Meeting! *Pick up clinical Purification Kit, Shopping List and Recipes
Friday, August 5th:
Group Support Meeting with Discussion Topics
Friday, August 12th:
Group Support Meeting with Discussion Topics
Friday, August 19th:
Program Completion Pot-Luck Party!
Program Details:
This program includes:
- All supplements and shakes for the full 3 week program.
- 4 Weekly Group Meetings with Discussion Topics to Continue Your Path to Greater Wellness.
- Weekly Recipes to Support Each Step of the Program
- Doctor Supervised & Recipe Demonstrations
- Email Support with Dr. Brandy McCans
- Purification-Approved Shopping List
- Post-Purification Party to Celebrate Your Success!
- 2 Bio-Impedance Analysis* Tests (Not for tele-class series)
Bio-Impedance Analysis is a computerized scan of your body to accurately determine how much body fat, muscle, active tissue mass, as well as hydration and the health of your cells before and after the Clinical Purification!
The value of these scans alone is $110.
Both scans are included in the price of this program!
The full program is normally $595
includes all the above details, supplements and tests.
**Register by Friday, July 22nd for
$198 savings!!
**Register with a friend at $347 each! **
**Register by Friday, July 22nd for
$198 savings!!
**Register with a friend at $347 each! **
How Do I Register?
Register by calling our office:
If you are interested in long-distance coaching for this program
call to register for the next tele-class!
Live Well!
If you are interested in long-distance coaching for this program
call to register for the next tele-class!
Live Well!