Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique
B.E.S.T. is a gentle, yet powerful technique that addresses the true cause of your health condition. It is a non-force chiropractic treatment that removes the subconscious interference that prevents you from experiencing optimal wellness. there is a subconscious component to healing, which if not addressed, it is unlikely for true, lasting healing and weight loss to occur. B.E.S.T. treatments influence the electromagnetic pathways (meridians) of your body to release blockages, which are interfering with your ability to reach your greatest level of health and success. Once the interference is removed neuroplasticity begins to take place, creating new pathways to greater health and wellness.
Trauma, toxicity, bad habits as well as negative beliefs, programs and patterns can cause interference and make you feel stuck. The interference can show up in your body as excess weight, diabetes, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, cardiovascular disease, hormonal imbalances or some other physical condition. Regardless of your condition, the true cause is related to something interfering with the optimal function of your nervous system.
Guyton’s Medical physiology text book, the primary physiology text of alll medical schools and chiropractic colleges, says that 99% of your bodily functions are controlled by the subconscious intellingence. What is amazing is that the subconscious is responding to past programs, beliefs, patterns and experiences to run your body! Essentially, your body is running on automatic pilot, controlled by the subconscious, and is responding to past emotional stressors as if they are still happening!
The subconscious is responsible for all the automatic stuff, like your breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, hormone production, metabolism, and so on. If something is not working right, there is a reason why! The goal is to identify the subconscious interferrence, remove it from the nervous system and energy field and update the body and nervous system to higher function. Your body and mind are kind of like a computer. Just like when your computer runs too slowly or gets a virus, you have to take out the bad files and reprogram for greater function.
Basically everything your body is doing is on automatic pilot and it goes far beyond the inner workings of your physical body. It also has far reaching effects on the way you treat your children, the way you relate to your work, your body, money, as well as the ability for you to express love and achieve the level of success you desire in your life. Stress interference interrupts your body’s innate ability to heal itself and diminishes your ability to reach your life goals. B.E.S.T. removes this interference so you can achieve Ultimate Wellness In body, mind and spirit.
Many scientific studies have researched and proven the existence of the body’s energy fields. Measurements and photographs have documented these fields. The energy field is the vital communication link between your body and your environment. When the nervous system and these fields are out of balance symptoms develop, health deteriorates and you become less effective in your work and your life. B.E.S.T. balances these fields and improves their function so you can function at a higher level of effectiveness in the world.
B.E.S.T. involves brain and nervous system integration, energetic healing and neuro-emotional reprogramming. This procedure not only helps your body repair and rebuild the damage from stress or a painful condition, it assists you in becoming more centered and grounded, resulting in an opportunity to live your life by choice, rather than by reaction. Immediate relief is often experienced from physical pain as well as the realization of a deeper sense of happiness and greater sense of joy in your mind and body.
B.E.S.T. was developed to restore hormonal imbalances, increase circulation and facilitate proper function of the various systems in your body. In people of all ages, this technique has been shown to improve stubborn weight gain, menopause and P.M.S. symptoms, sleeplessness, chronic fatigue, depression, as well as creating greater self-esteem, a stronger sense of personal power and a more balanced lifestyle.
B.E.S.T. utilizes Muscle Response Testing during the evaluation to determine what is adversely affecting your body and your health as well as to determine the most appropriate program for your specific body type. Once you have been evaluated, a personalized program is created to address your health concerns and take you to a greater level of health and wellness. You will also be given the appropriate whole-food supplemetation that is specific for enhancing glandular function and to rebuild the glands and tissues that need support so your body can begin to function the way it is meant.
Dr. McCans helps people remove the subconscious interference from the nervous system that keep people stuck in patterns and disrupts the natural healing process of your body. She is an expert at finding the blocks and removing them permanently so your body can heal and your hormones can naturally balance. your nervous system can now begin functioning properly and you can experience greater health and happiness.
If you don’t correct the true cause of your health concern, you may never reach optimum health.
…Ultimate Wellness is Now Yours.